Top 10 Foods Naturally High In Dietary Fiber

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Top 10 Foods Naturally High In Dietary Fiber
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Dietary fiber includes all of the plant-based foods you ingested that your body can’t digest or absorb. [1] Also known as roughage or bulk, your body can’t absorb it like other fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Instead, it passes directly and relatively intact through your stomach. It then travels through your small intestine and colon until it eventually makes its way out of your body.

If you are not having bowel movement every day, you should try eating more fiber. Chances are, you may be lacking this important part of a balanced diet. Dietary fiber is especially important if you want to prevent constipation.

There are two common classifications of fiber: soluble and insoluble. [1] Soluble fiber dissolves in water and forms a gel-like material. It helps lower blood cholesterol as well as glucose levels. Insoluble fiber increases stool bulk. This helps promote a bowel movement by adding bulk that will help push your stool down through your digestive tract.

The recommended intake of fiber for men under 50 is about 38 grams each day while women should consume 25 grams per day. [2] Adults over 50 will need less fiber at 30 grams per day for men and 21 grams for women. This is due to an expected decrease in overall food consumption. A study in 2012 revealed that less than three percent of Americans met the recommended intake. [3]

Health Benefits Of Dietary Fiber

1. It Normalizes Bowel Movements. Dietary fiber will help increase the weight and size of your stool. It will also help soften it so that it can pass through your digestive tract quicker. This will greatly decrease your chance of constipation. In addition, fiber will help solidify water and loose stools.

2. It Will Help Maintain Bowel Health. High-fiber diets could lower your risk of developing diverticular disease and hemorrhoids. [1] Some fiber also gets fermented in your colon. Some researchers are looking at how this may play a role in the prevention of colon diseases.

3. It Will Lower Cholesterol Levels. Soluble fiber may help lower total blood cholesterol levels by lowering the lipoprotein or “bad” cholesterol. [1] High-fiber foods have many heart health benefits which include blood pressure and inflammation reduction. [1]

4. It Will Help Control Blood Sugar Levels. Soluble fiber can help slow down the absorption of sugar in the body. This will be greatly helpful for people with diabetes. In addition, for those who don’t have diabetes, soluble fiber could help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. [1]

5. It Will Help With Healthy Weight Management. High-fiber foods tend to be more killing. As a result, you are likely to eat less and stay full longer. In addition, high-fiber foods take longer to eat and are less energy dense. AS a result, they tend to have lower calories for the same volume of food.

The Top 10 Foods Naturally High In Dietary Fiber

1. Split Peas
Fiber Content: 16.3 grams per cup, cooked. [4]
Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Potassium, Magnesium. [5]

2. Lentils
Fiber Content: 15.6 grams per cup, cooked. [4]
Vitamins and Minerals: Molybdenum, Folate, Fiber, Copper, Phosphorus, Manganese, Iron, Protein, Vitamin B1, Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5), Zinc, Potassium, Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6). [6]

3. Black Beans
Fiber Content: 15 grams per cup, cooked. [4]
Vitamins and Minerals: Molybdenum, Folate, Fiber, Copper, Manganese, Vitamin B1, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Protein, Iron. [7]

4. Figs
Fiber Content: 14.6 grams in 1 cup dried. [8]
Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Copper, and Soluble Fiber. [9]

5. Lima Beans
Fiber Content: 13.2 grams per cup, cooked. [8]
Vitamins and Minerals: Molybdenum, Fiber, Copper, Manganese, Folate, Phosphorus, Protein, Potassium, Vitamin B1, Iron, Magnesium, Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6). [10]

6. Avocados
Fiber Content: 10.5 grams per cup, sliced. [8]
Vitamins and Minerals: Dietary Fiber, Folate, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Niacin (Vitamin B3), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5), Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6), Thiamin (Vitamin B1), Vitamin E, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Vitamin K. [11]

7. Artichokes
Fiber Content: 10.3 grams per medium artichoke. [8]
Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Thiamin (Vitamin B1), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Niacin (Vitamin B3), Folate, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Sodium, Potassium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Zinc[12]

8. Asian Pears
Fiber Content: 9.9 grams per medium fruit, skin on. [8]
Vitamins and Minerals: Fiber, Potassium, Vitamin K, Copper, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid). [13]

9. Acorn Squash
Fiber Content: 9 grams per cup, bakes. [8]
Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamin A, Niacin (Vitamin B3), Folate, Thiamin (Vitamin B1), Vitamin B-6, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Potassium, Magnesium, Dietary Fiber, Iron, Calcium, Zinc, Phosphorus, Beta Carotene. [14]

10. Peas
Fiber Content: 8.8 grams per cup, cooked. [4]
Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamin K, Manganese, Vitamin B1, Fiber, Copper, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Phosphorus, Folate, Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6), Niacin (Vitamin B3), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Protein, Zinc, Molybdenum, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Choline. [15]

















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By Mike Westerdal CPT

Can you guess which muscle in your body is the #1 muscle that eliminates joint and back pain, anxiety and looking fat?

This is especially important if you spend a significant amount of time sitting every day (I do, and this really affects me in a big way!)

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d) Hip Flexors

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==> Click here to discover which "hidden survival muscle" will help you boost your energy levels, immune system, sexual function, strength and athletic performance permanently!

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