Amazing Uses Of Apple Cider Vinegar

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Amazing Uses Of Apple Cider Vinegar
Infographic – Apple cider vinegar photo – Bragg

There are tons of ways to add the benefits of ACV to your life. In this article, we have compiled fifteen of the most amazing uses of this very versatile item.

Hygiene And Beauty Uses

1. Hair Rinse

It’s possible to use ACV to remove product buildup and to balance their scalp’s pH level. Mix one-third cup of the vinegar with four cups of water and use the mixture as a weekly rinse for your hair. Rinse well afterwards with plain water and the vinegar smell will be gone. To deal with dandruff, [1] spray your scalp with equal parts vinegar and water twice a week.

2. Facial Toner

For acne breakouts, diluted apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball makes a simple facial toner. [2]

3. Teeth Whitener

ACV’s pH level can help remove stains from your teeth. [3] All you need to do is swish apple cider vinegar for one minute. Then, rinse your mouth with water.

4. Soothe Sunburn

Mix one cup of ACV with a lukewarm bath along with 1/4 cup of coconut oil and lavender essential oil to ease sun-burnt [4] skin. You can also apply ACV (diluted in an equal portion of clean water) to throw away your artificial chemical-based aftershave.

5. Kill Fungus On Toes And Skin

ACV contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal compounds [5] that make it a natural remedy for skin and toenail fungus. Wipe down the affected area with apple cider vinegar two times daily. You can also mix the ACV with coconut oil or oil of oregano which are great for eliminating the fungus.

ACV Uses Around The Home

1. Natural Disinfectant

Vinegar has anti-fungal abilities that can kill harmful bacteria and pathogens. [6] ACV serves as a perfect household cleaning product. Fill a spray bottle with equal parts of water and ACV and use the mixture to spray windows and counters.

2. Fruit And Veggie Wash

You can also use ACV as a natural agent for removing certain pesticides from your fresh produce. Create a solution that is one part ACV and nine parts water in which you will briefly soak your fruits and vegetables. This solution is not recommended for fragile fruits such as berries.

3. Weed Killer

Organic farmers use ACV as an environmentally-safe weed killer. [7] Vinegar-based sprays were proven to kill not only all types of weeds but also blackberry and scotch bloom. You can use the ACV alone as a weed killer, but you can also mix it with other ingredients such as lemon juice or essential oil.

4. Flea Repellent [8]

For flea infestation on your pet, mix a 50/50 solution of ACV and water. Soak your pet in a tub. It is advised that this is done once a day for several weeks.

5. Natural Polishing Agent

Use ACV to polish different metals including silver, brass, bronze, and copper.

Health Uses For Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV is widely regarded [9] as one of the world’s most useful natural remedies. Recent studies suggest the role played by ACV ingestion in lowering blood pressure, improving diabetes, [10] and supporting weight loss. [11] These benefits have been made possible by the ACV’s powerful healing compounds including acetic acid, potassium, magnesium, and enzymes. ACV also contains polyphenols which provide support in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, [12] cancers, [13] osteoporosis, [14] diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. [15]

1. Treatment Of Acid Reflux And Heartburn

Imbalanced stomach pH and lack of enzymes and probiotics are factors that cause acid reflux and heartburn. These nutrients are abundant in ACV. Acid reflux [16] can be relieved by drinking a mixture of one tablespoon of ACV and a cup of water before meals.

2. Upset Stomach [17]

Upset stomach – an old home remedy is sipping some apple cider vinegar diluted with water. For diarrhea, which is caused by bacterial infection, ACV has antibiotic properties.

3. Soothing Sore Throat [18]

ACV provides an acidic environment that makes it difficult for most germs to survive. Just gargle a mixture of 1/4 cup of ACV with 1/4 cup warm water every hour.

4. Wart Removal

ACV has high levels of acetic acid – an antimicrobial substance [19] that can kill harmful pathogens. A nightly routine of applying the vinegar to the wart is recommended.

5. Detoxification Of The Liver And Other Organs

ACV helps the body to balance its pH level, a process that promotes healthy detoxification. Studies have shown that ACV can help detox [20] the liver and stimulate circulation. ACV plays an important role in removing harmful toxins that build up in the body.

Further Reading:

25 Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Can Change Your Life

Amazing Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

How To Get Rid Of Moles With Apple Cider Vinegar


[1] Dori Khakpour. 2015. Beyond the Hype: Apple Cider Vinegar as an Alternative Therapy.

[2] Mitrou P et. al. 2015. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The role of acetic acid on glucose uptake and blood flow rates in the skeletal muscle in humans with impaired glucose tolerance.

[3] Gambon DL et. al. 2012. Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Tandheelkunde. [Unhealthy weight loss. Erosion by apple cider vinegar].

[4] Vèronique Habauzit and Christine Morand. 2012. Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease. Evidence for a protective effect of polyphenols-containing foods on cardiovascular health: an update for clinicians.

[5] Gary D. Stoner and Hasan Mukhtar. 1995. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. Polyphenols as cancer chemopreventive agents.

[6] Taylor C. Wallace, M. Monica Giusti. 2013. Anthocyanins in Health and Disease.

[7] Howard Friel and Sally A. Frautschy. 2017. A Paradigm Shift to Prevent and Treat Alzheimer’s Disease: From Monotargeting Pharmaceuticals to Pleiotropic Plant Polyphenols.

[8] Carol S. Johnston and Cindy A. Gaas. 2006. Medscape General Medicine. Vinegar: Medicinal Uses and Antiglycemic Effect.

[9] Belinda Gibbons. 2017. 25 Apple Cider Vinegar DIY ACNE GONE Remedies.

[10] Alice Michaels. 2013. Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits:: 101 Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits for Weight Loss, Healthy Skin & Glowing Hair! Uses for Detoxing, Allergies, Better Health with Recipes and Cures from Nature’s Remedy.

[11] Dynamite Books. 2013. The 99¢ Guide To Apple Cider Vinegar (Treat High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, and Gout; Detox Your Body; and Lose Weight!).

[12] Mota AC et. al. 2015. Journal of Prosthodontics. Antifungal Activity of Apple Cider Vinegar on Candida Species Involved in Denture Stomatitis.

[13] Rutala WA et. al. 2000. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. Antimicrobial activity of home disinfectants and natural products against potential human pathogens.

[14] Anne Lovejoy. 2001. From the Garden: New vinegar-based sprays safely kill unwanted blackberries, horsetails.

[15] Elizabeth Xu. Apple Cider Vinegar: A Natural Flea Preventative.

[16] Peasant Remedies for Acid Reflux.

[17] Paul Bragg. 1995. Apple Cider Vinegar: Miracle Health System.

[18] Sore Throat Remedies: 16 Home Cures.

[19] Anne V. Parsons. 2014. Apple Cider Vinegar: Recipes & Remedies ACV.

[20] Claire Georgiou. 2016. The Apple Cider Vinegar Cleanse: Lose Weight, Improve Gut Health, Fight Cholesterol, and More with Nature’s Miracle Cure.

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